MUTAG – MBBR Technology

MUTAG – MBBR Technology

MBBR (Moving Bed Bio-Reactor) Technology is one of the attached growth processes. In this process, bacteria grow on the media materials added into the tank.

The operation of attached growth systems is quite easy compared to activated sludge system. In connected growth systems; there is no need for sludge recirculation.

In this process; excess sludge mechanism is quite different from suspended growth systems. There is a continuous layer of bacteria on the media, and as the thickness of this layer increases in the excess sludge, the excess layer breaks off and the thickness maintains its stability. This sludge is separated from the water with the sedimentation tank built after MBBR and sent directly to the sludge units.

BioChipTM media material, which we offer in partnership with ATECH Process & MUTAG, minimises the volume required for the process with an active surface area of 5500 m2/m3 unlike classical media materials. In addition, unlike other media materials, it minimises the air blower capacity by increasing the oxygen transfer efficiency with the use of fine bubble diffuser.

MBBR System Advantages:

  • No Sludge Recirculation Required
  • Increased Surface Area Possibility
  • Less Energy Consumption
  • Suitable for Industrial and Domestic Wastewater
  • Easy Commissioning
  • Easy Operation
  • Low Maintenance

NOTE: The hybrid process of connected growth systems and suspended growth systems is designed by our company. In these systems, there are also recirculation pumps and the process flow is like classical activated sludge systems. The only difference from the classical activated sludge system is the presence of biomedia materials in the aeration tanks.

BioChipTM Media Material Advantages:

  • Increased Surface Area
  • Less Energy Consumption
  • Optimum Diffusion Depth
  • Biomass Conservation
  • Low Sludge Production
  • Long Lasting Material
  • Comprehensive Application
  • Easy Operation