Wastewater is a task that must be brought to the criteria determined by the regulations before it is discharged to the receiving environment in industrial plants and while doing so, it is a task that must be continuous under correct operating / management conditions.
Atech Proses serves its customers with reinforced concrete and package treatment methods in areas with domestic wastewater needs such as small and medium-sized mass housing, hotels, factories, municipalities.
ATECH provides services to its customers, who have existing wastewater treatment plants, with its experienced staff in operating the wastewater treatment plant.
Urban and industrial water needs are increasing day by day in our country as well as in the world. ATECH provides the following services in this context.
Due to the high carbon content of both wastewater and biodegradable wastes, the production of biogas with anaerobic digestion methods is applied in many points in the world and in our country.
Odor Removal Systems are used to reduce or completely eliminate bad odors occurring especially in Wastewater Pumping Stations and Wastewater Treatment Plants.
With the process consultancy provided by Atech Process, it is ensured that the facilities that can already operate more efficiently are operated in their true character.
We are ready to discuss the identification and programming of analytical services tailored to your needs and the evaluation of the analysis results for your process with our collective knowledge and experience.
Atech Proses A.Ş. Accredited Laboratory Unit provides water and wastewater analysis services in its accredited laboratory approved by TURKAK and Ministry of Environment & Urbanisation.